animation, education

animation, education

Two Minute Stats

Two Minute Stats


Laber Labs is a university-based statistics lab made up of Principal Investigator Dr. Eric B. Laber and a cohort of PhD students. In addition to its focus on research and journal publications, the lab strives to integrate outreach and education within their work.


We wanted to educate the general public about various statistical concepts using a dynamic and engaging medium. Each bite-sized animated video covers a new statistics topic in a lighthearted style.

The Conspiracy of Emma's M's: A Lesson on Sampling Variability

Prisha confronts her dad about the frequency of blue candies in her Emma's M's. Is there actually a blue candy conspiracy at Emma's M's, or is it simply a case of sampling variability?

Laber Labs Summer Camp Modules

A series of animated components used to complement the Laber Labs Summer Camp course.

Hats Off To Love: A Lesson on Reservoir Sampling

A contestant participates in a hot new matchmaking show to find the perfect hat! With so many hats to choose from, how will he give each hat a fair chance?

Fishing For Samples: A Lesson on Random Sampling

An officer from the Department of Natural Resources is tasked with monitoring the lake's wildlife. How many fish in the lake are red? With the help of random sampling, she's about to find out!